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Walking Worthy of His Call

I sat with Brad Franklin, my beloved pastor, in his home and listened as he told his story. He had witnessed God at work throughout his life and at Lakeside Church, where he pastored for 36 years. How does a man stay at one church and pastor for 36 years? Brad gives God all the glory! Citing Isaiah 40:12, he said it was only by God’s sovereign grace: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, or with the breadth of His hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountain on the scale and hills in a balance?” No one except our Sovereign God is Brad’s story.

The Beginning

Brad’s story began with a simple seed sown during Vacation Bible School (VBS). A kind neighbor offered to drive him to a local church to attend. It was the summer of 1966. Brad knew VBS was jam-packed with fun activities, so he gladly went. Not only did he have fun, but he was also introduced to Jesus. A small seed of faith was sown that became life-changing. Brad gained a lifelong hunger to know Jesus and follow Him.

During Brad’s freshman year of high school, he accepted a friend’s invitation to study the Bible together. He found the Word of God so intriguing that he began to attend church regularly and read the Bible voraciously. As he grew in his understanding of the purpose of Christ’s life and death, Brad realized the importance of getting this message of salvation out to the lost world. Gradually, a calling to be part of this mission began to pull at his heartstrings.

Later, in Brad’s sophomore year in high school, an evangelist came and spoke at his church. Through the evangelist’s message, Brad felt the Lord tugging at his heart again and whispering to him, “You could do this.” Not fully understanding what “this” was, Brad knew he wanted to serve the Lord. He had always been inspired by the Apostle Paul’s example of using his gift of preaching to encourage and build up local churches. Brad could see himself doing the same thing. Through a thousand whispers in ordinary and simple moments, Brad experienced a calling of God to be in full-time Christian ministry.

Full Obedience

Brad chose to attend Westmont College, graduating in three years with a bachelor’s degree in religious studies. He went directly to Western Seminary in Oregon to further his educational and pastoral training. It was clear to him that God had called him to be a pastor. But what was the next step? The next step he took was to marry the young woman he had fallen in love with and who shared his sense of calling. During the last year of his graduate study as he was trying to sense God’s direction, a classmate invited him and Donna to start a church together with him. Confident that God had called him to be a pastor and not a church planter, Brad turned down the invitation. Another classmate invited them to be missionary partners to start a church in the Philippines. His immediate response was “no.” Little did he know that several years later God would call him to be both a church planter and a pastor.

Brad and Donna prayed together to discern God’s direction for their lives. Where did God want them to serve long term? Was He calling them to be missionaries? Unsure, Brad and Donna committed to a year of full-time missionary work in the southern part of the Philippines, to help start a church in Davao City. During their time in the Philippines, they became more certain that they were not called to reach people for Christ in a foreign country. At the end of their one-year commitment, Brad applied for pastoral jobs in the States and was invited to serve a small Baptist church at Scotts Valley, California, as an associate pastor. He was 25 years old.

While at First Baptist Church, Brad continued to feel the nudge in his heart to plant a church. He attended conferences and was inundated with ideas for starting a church. When the lead pastor at First Baptist retired, the congregation began to search for a replacement. Brad applied for the position but was not hired. God closed the door. He was now 27 years old. But when God closes a door, He opens another one. And when He opens a door, no one can close it (Revelation 3:7). Brad said at this point it was as if the Lord said: “Go start a church. Go pastor the church! Move the kingdom forward!” Those words implanted in Brad’s mind and echoed in his heart. He and Donna finally heard and understood. They obeyed, and “blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:28).

By the time they began Lakeside, Brad and Donna already had two children. The only income they had was a monthly $200 financial support from their association. However, God met all their needs and blessed them unexpectedly with the opportunity to purchase a house with a minimal down payment. God’s words were their daily strength, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

Church Expansion

Lakeside Church in Folsom, California, began in September 1987 in a small hall. Throughout Lakeside’s history, God provided the church with locations to expand His kingdom, answering seemingly impossible prayers, and manifesting His abundant grace. The congregation grew to a thousand members, and the number of services increased from one to four. As more space was needed, the church relocated to various sites. Brad began praying for a new and permanent location in their city, large enough to accommodate the size of the congregation. He led his leadership team to pray that God would give them some land. In mid-November 1996, two partners from a major developer invited Brad to their office to discuss a 20-acre undeveloped land parcel that aligned with Lakeside’s purchase interest. The initial offer was for six million dollars, but somehow as the meeting went on, the offer miraculously dropped to 1.1 million. Brad later learned that the actual measurement of the purchased land was eight acres more than originally stated. Eight acres cost roughly about one million at that time. Essentially, 20 acres were freely given to Lakeside from God. He had not disregarded their prayers. After years of praying and waiting, at the beginning of September 2001, Lakeside relocated to today’s 28-acre property.

Rest After Faithful Labor

In October 2023, after 36 years at the same church, Brad Franklin retired from full-time pastoral ministry. In retirement, he is still following God’s calling. Remembering during his decades of pastoring how much he appreciated the church’s gracious gift of a sabbatical, he began Church Hope, a ministry that offers sabbatical renewal services to churches so their pastors can take time away for needed rest and return to the ministry with renewed vigor.

Brad closed his life story with a message for all followers of Christ: Proverbs 3:5–6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Brad and Donna’s story shows God’s faithfulness to all who are obedient to His call. He makes their path straight.

Jennifer Yen is a covenant partner at Lakeside Church. She lives in Sacramento, CA, and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.

Article Link: http://ccmusa.org/read/read.aspx?id=chg20240403
To reuse online, please credit Challenger, Oct-Dec 2024. CCMUSA.